Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Famous Buttermilk Yeast Rolls

I know your mouth is salivating just looking at my yeast rolls ha ha and its OK because after you read my recipe on these babies you will be soon making your own but, first I  want to share a story. Want to hear it? Well here it go! 

I remember the first time I made yeast rolls and it was when I stayed with mom in Muskegon, Michigan and we were leaving a duplex upstairs with my moms church friend Joyce. It was a night my sister and I wanted to go to the movies. So I remember getting out this small cooking booklet that had a few recipes in it and I saw yeast rolls. My mom gave me the hint that she thought I should make them for her since she was such a great mom and I smiled at her and agreed she was and said I would make them. I started to activate the yeast with the wet ingredients and then let it do its thing while my sister and I went to the movies. Later that night we got home I started working on them. Now time I started working on these yeast rolls everyone was sleep except for me of course!

Listen let me tell you honey! I did think they were going to turn out as good as they did until I took those golden brown pillows out of the oven and started to shine them up real nice with butter. But, wait here is the kicker. Little did I know the sweet aroma of those yeast rolls woke up the whole house including Joyce from down stairs ha ha. everyone came in the kitchen to see what I was making! I was so happy that made those!

So with that being said let's jump into this recipe! I do want you to know that this recipe is mine and a recipe I came up with because I had buttermilk and yeast that was about to go bad so I thought of making these.

1 pkg dry active yeast
3/4 cup warm water
1 tbsp white sugar
1 cup buttermilk
4 tbsp melted  butter
2 tbsp white sugar
1 tsp salt
4 cup flour

First thing you want to do is get the warm water and put it in a bowl. NOTE: BE SURE THE WATER IS NOT HOT OTHERWISE IT WILL BURN THE YEAST AND IT WON'T ACTIVATE! Next you add the package of yeast then sugar. Stir ingredients together and let it sit in a warm dark place in your kitchen for 30 minutes allowing the yeast to activate. As you can see this picture is after 30 minutes. the yeast will start to foam up which is what you want. 

While the yeast is doing it's thing we are going to mix our dry ingredients. Just take the flour, sugar, and salt and mix that up. See how easy it is! don't worry I got your back!

After the yeast has activated and you have mixed your dry ingredients in a separate bowl. now it's time to start mixing everything together! I then use my kitchen aid mixer and pour the yeast/water mix in the bowl. Oh but wait don't forget your buttermilk and butter! mix those two in the bowl next. Then stir them together. OK now it's time to add the dry mix. I like to pour half of the dry ingredients in first, then mix, and then pour the other half next. let the mixer do it's thing until you see the dough pulling apart from the bowl. Once  you see that happen then you turn off your mixer. 

It should look something like this. the texture of the dough should be sticky still. if it is not sticky then add another 1/4 cup of warm water and that should do the trick. Now it's time to proof your dough. all you do is leave the dough in the bowl and cover with a towel. and let it sit in a warm dark area for 30 minutes. NOTE: I PLACED MY BOWL IN TOP OF MY STOVE IN THE MIDDLE BECAUSE I USED IT EARLIER AND IT WAS STILL WARM WHICH ALLOWED THE PROOFING TIME TO GO BY A LOT QUICK FOR ME (20 MINS).

After you let your yeast roll dough proof. It is now time for the fun part! that is kneading the dough. take it out of the bowl and place it on a floured surface. Also flour your hands and be sure to keep the flour by you. Trust me you  are going to need it! Start rolling the dough around with your hands and using flour until the dough stops being sticky and starts to work with you. I say do this for 5-7 minutes. OK you are almost done! We are getting close!

After you kneading the dough, it is now time to roll them babies up into a balls and adding some more melted butter to them. I used my cast iron skillet and I made sure to butter the pan first. all together I made 14 rolls. Now I will say this. the number of rolls you make demands on the size you make them. So the choice is yours! This is also a good time to preheat  your oven to 375.

Now we want to proof these babies. So do like you did last time and cover them with a towel and place them in a warm and dark area. once they have raised and come together, they are now ready for the stove!

Let them cook in the oven until they turn out golden brown. I usually do it the old school way and insert a toothpick in the middle of the roll and if they come out clean then they are done!
Bomb and you got yourself home buttermilk yeast rolls! I hope you all enjoyed my story and this recipe! If you want to see a video of how I made these then subscribe to my channel for notifications! www.youtube.com/c/sayberscookingc

"Love and Good Eats"

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