Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Herb De Provence Roasted Baby Potatoes

Hello my foodies im back. I know it has been a long time since I posted anything but since I don't think anybody reads my post anyway I think im fine. I will say this I really want to blog however, I honestly find it harder then YouTube (is that crazy of me to think that)? I don't know what im going to do but i do know that today I will be posting this yummy side dish :). I came up with this side dish when I was thinking  about what to make for my first dinner party I will be hosting in a few weeks (and im nervous as hello)! To my surprise it came out great! I mean you really can't mess up roasted potatoes! 

1 1/2 lb baby yellow potatoes
1 1/2 tbsp herb de provence
3 tbsp EVOO
3 garlic cloves chopped
* salt/ pepper to taste
3 tbsp Alouette Garlic & Herb spreadable cheese

I have a question does anybody wash their potatoes before they start to cook them or not? I always thought about that. I always did even if Im boiling them and especially since I met my boyfriend (who is a  true germophobe) I have to wash everything! Ok so moving on we are going to start with washing our potatoes under running water and taking a wash cloth to scrub whatever dirt that is left on them. 

After our babies had a good wash, we can now move on to giving them a good poke! I just take a knife and do on poke through them. this helps them cook evenly since they are not all the same size and helps them to release any tension they may have against each other (ha ha just kidding). 

After we got all our potatoes poked; we can now move on the the good stuff. Its time to add the seasoning. We are going to add the evoo, herb de provence, and salt/pepper. Now the salt and pepper is to taste. So You can decide how much salt/pepper you want to add!

I hope you don't think we are done here! Oh No we have some more to add to these babies. we are going to roughly chop three garlic cloves and add them to the mix! 

Ok now its time to do a little re-mix and turn these babies up! Ha ha I sound so lame sometimes! Anyway make sure you get every single one of the potatoes coated with the seasoning and oil! 

Once we got our potatoes evenly coated. Now it's time to roast them. we are going to get out our skillet (cast iron preferably) and drop them in there. Making sure we spread them out so them all have room to roast! Don't forget to add a sheet of alumni foil!

We are going to roast these babies at 400 F for an overall time of 50 minutes. The first 20 minutes are going to be split up and turn the potatoes every 10 minutes and then let them roast untouched for the rest of the 30 minutes. 
After 50 minutes is up now we are going to take them out of oven drop them back into the boil and then whip out our secret ingredient! 

Yes you are looking at it right. We are going to use Garlic/herb Spreadable cheese! OMG ya'll this stuff here is bomb! Just take the 3 tbsp of it and mix it with the potatoes! Now im a happy girl! Trust me when I say this is a winner to bring to any work pot luck, family gathering, or any holiday! Well I hope you enjoyed this Post and I promise I will be posting more!  Oh yea don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel @sayberscooking to watch how I made this!

Love and Good Eats
  Sayber's Cooking!

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